Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA

Laurent Bacon
Director of Engineering
Mr. Bacon serves as Director of Engineering for M2M Data Corporation, under a contract between M2M and Electricite de France (EDF) since July 2001. His role at M2M began the strategic partnership between France’s largest Utility and M2M, a partnership which provides EDF opportunity to launch M2M’s turnkey remote monitoring, control, and data aggregation solutions into the operations of its Utility services in Europe, as well as launching M2M products throughout North America.

Mr. Bacon brings 10 years of experience in remote process control using the Internet and remote management of small power plants using the Internet. He specializes in web architecture; power plant SCADA systems; industrial communication protocols; and instrumentation and control architecture.

Mr. Bacon is an experienced IT project manager and system architect with background in the most demanding industrial environments (e.g. nuclear power plants). His skills include knowledge of essentially all leading software languages and systems used in industrial data management: from industrial protocols to Internet security. He has earned the status of a SCADA and Internet expert. Highly adaptable, successful track record of learning and applying innovative technologies to a wide variety of applications.


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Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA