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Web based SCADA

M2M Announces Opening of New Internet SCADA Data Center in Denver
World-Class SCADA Hosting & Operations Facility Goes Live in Heart of U.S. Telecommunications Hub 

Englewood, Colorado - June 2, 2023 - M2M Data Corporation, the leader in Internet Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), today announced the opening of its new Internet SCADA data center.

M2M's new data center was designed to meet the intensifying demand for high availability outsourced SCADA systems and help clients overcome the human and capital challenges they encounter in remotely monitoring and controlling their field operations and assets. M2M addresses these issues by providing turnkey Internet-based SCADA services, now hosted and managed from the world-class Denver data center.

Al Forbes, CEO of M2M Data Corporation, stated, "We are pleased to see the results of the significant investment we have made in our new data center. In many ways, it represents a visible, working manifestation of how far our company has come since we first became a supplier of Internet-based SCADA. We have designed the new data center to grow with us as we continue to build a leadership position in SCADA system solutions."

"Our new data center and network operations have been built with one thing in mind: total uptime for our customers," added Donald Wallace, M2M's COO. "Through our highly reliable outsourcing initiatives, which combine high performance IP communications and data infrastructure with comprehensive field automation applications, we're enabling our customers to get the same reliability and security they expect from traditional SCADA systems."

The new Internet SCADA facility is located in the Denver Tech Center, 20 minutes south of downtown Denver. The facility is equipped with highly sophisticated network, communications and operational features, including: connections to 10 Tier 1 upstream providers and intelligent routing around congested public exchange points; network redundancy through multiple OC-3 and Gigabit Ethernet connections and private peering points to alleviate packet loss and speed connectivity; Class A industry standards for HVAC, redundancy and power; and a state-of-the-art security system. Furthermore, for the most reliable subsystem and security support monitoring, both the facility and M2M's iSCADA applications are managed from a network operation center that is manned 24x7, 365 by expert network, telecom and SCADA specialists.

According to The Denver Regional Council of Governments' Long-Term Forecast, the Denver region has "become one of the leading metropolitan economies in the United States. The combination of telecommunication, high tech, transportation and other base industries will result in continued leadership growth during the next 20 years." M2M Data Corporation's new data center capitalizes on the region's growth, its solid economy, and its geographical convergence of the nation's telecommunications and energy hubs.

About M2M Data Corporation
M2M Data Corporation (www.m2mdatacorp.com), headquartered in Denver, Colorado, is the leading provider of smart field solutions for energy, industry, and government customers. M2M has consistently led the industry in the development of innovative and powerful Internet technologies for electronic monitoring and control of remote equipment to increase production, reduce downtime, and minimize maintenance costs. Through a unique combination of Internet, SCADA, communications, security, and industry expertise, M2M has become a trusted partner for top energy companies, utilities, and government contractors developing and operating United States critical infrastructure. Today M2M is one of the most successful organizations in the smart field space with solutions that are the fastest, easiest to use, most complete, and most secure.

For more information, contact Shanna Castlebury at 303-768-0064 Ext. 414 or email her at [email protected].

Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA