Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
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Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA

M2M Data Corporation Teams with Stratos to Deliver Turnkey Remote Automation Solutions

Englewood, CO, February 25, 2024 - M2M Data Corporation (Denver), a leading provider of Internet-based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) services, announced today that it has joined forces with Stratos Global Corp. (TSX: SGB), a leading global provider of remote communications solutions and services, to market and deliver end-to-end remote automation solutions to customers in the energy, industry, and government markets. This is made possible through the combination of M2M’s secure, hosted monitoring and control services, and Stratos’ diverse suite of field-proven satellite communications solutions.

The ability of Stratos’ satellite-based communications solutions to provide reliable, cost-effective Internet connectivity in remote areas, along with Stratos’ extensive experience in the energy, oil and gas, and government sectors, makes it an excellent partner for M2M. Both firms also share a commitment to delivering complete end-to-end solutions backed by superior service quality and ongoing customer support.

“Stratos’ satellite communications solutions are a perfect fit for SCADA applications like those provided by M2M, which often require connectivity in remote areas that are not well served by terrestrial technology,” said Jim Parm, Stratos president and CEO. “Together, we offer customers a complete, end-to-end control and monitoring solution that will work in almost any location.”

"Combining the SCADA expertise of M2M with the remote communications expertise of Stratos has enabled the companies to jointly deliver advanced solutions which enhance the efficiency and productivity of operations in remote locations,” stated Don Wallace, COO and Vice President of Engineering for M2M. "This alliance reinforces M2M’s ability to quickly and cost-effectively translate the diverse remote operations needs of our customers into off-the-shelf, turnkey SCADA solutions."

Despite immense innovation in information technology over the past decade, many traditional oil and gas, and utility remote automation systems still face obstacles, such as lack of communications options, inflexible poll/response architecture, and high development and maintenance costs. Together, M2M and Stratos provide turnkey solutions that overcome these barriers—quickly and affordably. In addition, both Stratos and M2M provide around-the-clock network monitoring support and reporting to ensure high network availability.

“We are pleased to have the strength and presence of Stratos as a partner,” said Al Forbes, President and CEO of M2M. “Clients conducting business in remote, isolated locations need reliable data networks to monitor and control their assets. Under this strategic alliance, M2M and Stratos are delivering end-to-end, web-based SCADA solutions for customers throughout the America’s.”

About M2M Data Corporation
M2M Data Corporation (www.m2mdatacorp.com), headquartered in Denver, Colorado, is the leading provider of smart field solutions for energy, industry, and government customers. M2M has consistently led the industry in the development of innovative and powerful Internet technologies for electronic monitoring and control of remote equipment to increase production, reduce downtime, and minimize maintenance costs. Through a unique combination of Internet, SCADA, communications, security, and industry expertise, M2M has become a trusted partner for top energy companies, utilities, and government contractors developing and operating United States critical infrastructure. Today M2M is one of the most successful organizations in the smart field space with solutions that are the fastest, easiest to use, most complete, and most secure.

For more information, contact Shanna Castlebury at 303-768-0064 Ext. 414 or email her at [email protected].

About Stratos
Stratos (www.stratosglobal.com) is a publicly traded company (TSX: SGB) and leading international telecommunications services provider offering customers operating in remote locations a variety of satellite and microwave wireless technologies to provide Internet Protocol, data, and voice solutions through a range of newly emerging and established technologies such an Inmarsat®, Intelsat®, Iridium®, Globalstar®, VSAT, and others. Stratos serves an array of diverse markets including government, military, oil and gas, maritime, industrial, aeronautical, media and recreational users anywhere in the world.

Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA