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M2M Enabled Program for OEMs
M2M EnabledT Program for OEMs
Simple, secure iSCADA® service for OEMs
Englewood, CO-September 18, 2006 - M2M Data Corporation, an Internet-based Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) leader, today announced that it has established a new program called M2M EnabledT for original equipment manufacturers.
When implementing new technologies, OEMs often review their "develop or buy" options, and at first glance M2M technology often appears to be straightforward and within the capabilities of the OEM's technical staff. However, developing and maintaining an M2M system that is cost-effective, near 100% reliable, and scalable from 1 to 10s of thousands of assets is not easy and requires experience and expertise-particularly communications knowledge and experience-usually not available within an OEM's resource pool.
Any hardware manufacturer wishing to join the M2M EnabledT program can do so by developing the M2M EnabledT messaging routine for their hardware. This M2M Data Corp defined messaging routine delivers data in a predefined format to M2M's iSCADA® servers which immediately allows the OEM to sell M2M EnabledT with a remote monitoring (iSCADA®) option that is simple to initiate, is highly secure, and can be accessed from any PC connected to the Internet.
Donald Wallace, M2M Data Corporation's CEO, said, "OEMs have recognized the value of remote monitoring and are looking at M2M technology as an option; and at least some are looking to proven M2M experts for implementation, or alternatively for a hosted M2M service. Recognizing this, we've released M2M EnabledT, which will give OEMs the opportunity to leverage the most, secure, easiest-to-deploy, and most reliable M2M infrastructure available today."
iSCADA® is a rapidly deployed, managed machine-to-machine communications service product used for monitoring and controlling remote, mobile, and fixed assets. iSCADA® uses Internet, wireless, satellite, smart field devices, and industrial M2M technologies to efficiently communicate operating data between people, devices, and systems. The service is provided on a turnkey basis including communication services with minimal or no capital expense, and is backed by a service level guarantee.
M2M's iSCADA® service offers a cost-effective alternative to proprietary SCADA and telemetry systems traditionally used by energy producers and distributors to manage their remote assets.
Visit M2M's blog and web site for more information.
About M2M Data Corporation
M2M Data Corporation (www.m2mdatacorp.com), headquartered in Denver, Colorado, is the leading provider of smart field solutions for energy, industry, and government customers. M2M has consistently led the industry in the development of innovative and powerful Internet technologies for electronic monitoring and control of remote equipment to increase production, reduce downtime, and minimize maintenance costs. Through a unique combination of industrial M2M technology, SCADA, communications, security, and industry expertise, M2M has become a trusted partner for top energy companies, utilities, and government contractors developing and operating United States critical infrastructure.
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