Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA

Example Applications


  • Integrated Real-Time Monitoring of Pipeline Logistics/Fuel Depot Operations
  • Network-Based Petroleum Reserve Operations Support
  • Real Time Monitoring of Interstate Pipelines
  • Monitoring Natural Gas Storage Facilities
  • Oil & Gas Production Accountability Monitoring


  • Detection and Alert of Explosive Devices in Personal Baggage for Airliners
  • Early Detection and Alert of Airborne Chemical and Biological Agents
  • Automated Early Warning Devices in Remote Locations
  • Nuclear Material Detection at Ports of Entry/Transportation Hubs
  • Early Detection and Alert of Cargo Containers with Radiological Material
  • Web-based Integration of Diverse Physical Security Systems
  • Unmanned Surveillance from Mountain Tops
  • Early Detection and Alert of Waterborne Chemical and Biological Agents
  • Early Detection and Alert of Ground Water Contamination by Chemical/Biological Agents
  • Real Time Monitoring of Airline Flight Data Recorders
  • Real Time Monitoring of Unattended Critical Facilities
  • Mitigating Chemical and Biological Agent Effects
  • Real Time Monitoring of Highway Bridges
  • Real Time Condition Assessment of Coast Guard Vessels


  • Remote Data Acquisition and Device Control
  • Real Time Monitoring of Railway Infrastructures
  • Network-Based Operations and Tele-maintenance Support

Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA