Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA


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Leveraging the Internet to Achieve SCADA for Low Voltage Substation (PDF)
7 Pages
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) allows real-time collection and display of data such as single-phase feeder loading and bus voltages, and provides real-time detection and alarming of outages, overloading, and phase imbalances. However, most low voltage substations are not equipped with SCADA systems because the capital cost of traditional systems is relatively high. This paper discusses recent Internet technology developments that have changed all this. Vendors now offer low-cost subscription-based SCADA services using the World Wide Web.

Universal Device Access (PDF)
6 Pages
Whether equipment is spread all over the state or all over the country - or even all over the world - today it can be connected to the Internet for supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). This paper provides information on how the he Internet has enabled a new class of applications to collect data from remote equipment and provide browser-based access to real-time display, alarming, control, trending, and reporting.

Wading Through Data Formats for Internet-based SCADA (PDF)
5 Pages
Choosing a data format and transport protocol is currently driven by the cost of data transport. For applications such as wireless meter reading, it is generally most economical to transmit raw data and spend money on central SCADA host software drivers to parse the data. This paper provides a comparison of markup languages and alternatives.

Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA
Web based SCADA